Friday, November 8, 2013

One year

Weight: 18 pounds 13 ounces
Height: 28 1/2 inches long 

Milestones: Says "thank you" its a little unclear but still counts. Climbs up on her reading pillow and pulls out every single book one at a time and pretends to read them(cutest thing ever) Still taking up to 12 steps at a time she could walk everywhere if she wanted, but still a little timid about it. Climbing on everything. Learned how to get down from our couch and bed by hanging her feet over and pushing off...adorable but gave me a mini heart attack. Getting another tooth finally so that makes 3. 

Favorites: Reading. Opening up my wallet and pulling out every single card. Bathtime. Dancing. Singing. Waving hi and bye. Blowing kisses. Holding something out to someone until they take it and say thank you and then she shakes her head yes...we do this 1,203,450 times a day. Playing with all her new toys from her birthday.

Not so favorites: It was her carseat, but we got a big girl one and she LOVES it. Probably just being tired. 

I cannot believe I have a toddler. I seriously must have blinked and the time just passed by. It feels like just yesterday she was a tiny little newborn who depended on me for everything. She is getting so independent and has such a fun personality. She is her father through and through when it comes to personality(which I am totally thankful for) with just a little bit of spicy attitude she acquired from no doubt, me. She is so easy going and can entertain herself for hours, which is good and sad at times because she gets tired of playing with me and wants to do her own thing. She is so full of love and life. I wish I was more like her. She just loves everything with her whole heart. She observes people and knows what each person needs to make them happy. If I am sad she just knows and comes and gives me a kiss and rubs my hair. She has a beautiful soul. I feel extremely blessed to be her mommy. I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing little girl, but I am thankful. She teaches me to be a better person every single day. My heart swells when I think of my love for her. Its incredible. Happy 1st birthday sweet little girl. I look forward to so many more to come. This has been the most blessed and joyful year of my life. Mommy loves you! 


  1. Happy first birthday to your sweet girl! She is absolutely beautiful and is the best!! I wish we lived closer, I would love for our girls to get together... they would be the best of friends! :)

  2. Thank you Lyndsey! They definitely would be so fun and cute together! I am sure we would have a blast too ;)
