Friday, May 31, 2013

Hiking/ Memorial Day/ New Car

I have said it before, but I'll say it again. My husband and I are always up for an adventure. We love being outdoors and we definitely love trying new things. I feel very blessed that Abigail loves being outside just as much as we do, if not more. Anyway when you look out of our living room window you  can see a mountain in the distance. My husband had been saying that mountain was taunting him haha so we decided to go climb it. I was less than thrilled when we started because for some reason I just wasn't in the mood that day. However after we started climbing I was super happy we decided to. It was so beautiful and Abigail loved every minute of it. I was glad I got over my bad attitude because the climb was very rewarding. It was like 87 degrees that day with a slight breeze and it was just perfect. The hike altogether was around 3 hours and by the end of it Abigail fell asleep, which was super cute in her carrier on daddy.

As you can tell by her face, Abigail LOVED it. It also wore her out haha. Now onto Memorial Day.

On Memorial day we got together with some friends and decided to grill out some hot dogs and then go fishing. After going to Wal Mart(which by the way was a complete madhouse) and getting the stuff we needed we headed to the park that my husband said had a grill(so he thought). There were no grills to be found at any parks in town so we decided to go to the sand dunes. Luckily we found a grill there and made our lunch. After eating lunch and hanging out for a little bit we went to a sweet fishing spot my husband had found when he was on his mission. It was a secluded area that we had to walk down railroad tracks to find. It was super pretty with a small waterfall and just a fun place to fish. None of us caught anything, but we still had fun! Then our friends took us to a little place that had gelato and custard mixed.. talk about yum! It was so good. Later that night my husband, myself, and Abigail went out to eat at Olive Garden. It was a fun little Memorial Day. And of course I can't do a post about Memorial Day without thanking all the men and women who have, are, and will serve our country. It is because of them that we have our freedom and I am so very thankful for that. They give up their precious family time, their fun and freedom, and sometimes even their lives so that we may enjoy all those things. God Bless every single one of them! 

Oh and I almost forgot some exciting news. My husband and I bought our first brand new car together. We traded in his 04 Hyundai Sonata and bought a 2014 Subaru Forester XT. We love it :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Life Lately!

So like I said we moved 1200 and some odd miles from Missouri to Idaho and we have been busy, busy, busy! We have been up to a lot so I am warning you now this post may be lengthy. We are loving the weather here and all the fun things to do. Don't get me wrong we miss our family like crazy, but its nice to be able to go hike and explore when we are bored. Abbey loves being outdoors too so thats a plus. We LOVE our apartment and I plan on doing a post about that as soon as I get everything decorated the way that I want it (who knows when that will be ;)) SO stay tuned for that. We also love the town we live in. Its a small little town where the people are super friendly and you can walk all the way across town. We love it.

We have been on many walks lately and we just started running. I ran cross country and track and high school and I loved everything about running. It was a huge stress reliever for me and I felt so good after a long hard run. I ran for the first couple months of my pregnancy but then I chickened out and just walked for the rest of it. So now that my little girl isn't so little anymore I thought it is time for me to get back into something I love. I have a goal to run a marathon in the near future so I hope that I can keep myself motivated enough to do that. It helps that my husband runs with me, but umm those jogging strollers are a whole different ball game. Those things are not easy to run with and about kill me. Good thing my husband is extremely sweet and took the brunt of that task. (Thanks sweetie!) Oh, and Abigail loved every minute of it just like we knew she would.

Our first walk:

Yes, they are holding hands. Precious!

Our first run:

The other day we went to a place called Wolverine Canyon. It is so beautiful and it was a blast. It was so fun taking abbey up to the little waterfalls and rivers and watching her take in her surroundings. She got excited and started kicking her feet like a mad woman when she heard the water...must have thought it was bath time, sweet girl. Since you drive 5 mph through the canyon we took her out of her seat and she sat on my lap. She thought she was hott stuff and it was super cute. Our little family loves adventure and being outdoors so this was one of my favorite things we have done by far! Oh and hubs would kill me if I didn't mention his favorite part. At about 7,000 feet above sea level it had started raining which meant very muddy dirt mud roads. In our little car that was a major yikes. We got stuck in some ruts and on our left side was 1000 feet down the side of a mountain. Needless to say Abigail was back in her car seat at this point and I was sitting in the back belted in beside her. It was super slick and we were sliding all over the place trying to get out of the rut. Way scary. Luckily my husband is way calm in every situation and he got us out. Afterwards it was funny and we laughed about it. 

Last night we went to the thrift store, where I scored a pair of brand new converse shoes for $3 heck yes! We ate dinner at a cute little restaurant downtown that was really good. And then we walked downtown while abbey got to ride on daddy's shoulders and was giggling and jabbering the whole time. We also have discovered that she can wave and say "hi" We were at Walmart the other day and an older gentlemen waved at her and said hi and without missing a beat she waved back and said hi. Umm, where did that come from? haha it is SO cute. You will see her waving at me in the picture of her on her daddy's shoulders. After walking around and making room, Nick took us to a little dairy that has ice cream and  a petting zoo. Abigail got to pet a horse and she loved it. She looked at Nick like  dad is this okay? And then started smiling great big. The horse loved her too and kept letting her pet him, but umm he wasn't a fan of me. Every time I tried to pet him he gave me the cold shoulder. Ha! Daddy even snuck Abigail a few bites of his ice cream and she was super impressed. She started diving  into his ice cream and squealing. Girl knows what she wants. 

And here are some random things we do at home when we are bored:

Mommy and Abigail bake yummy things together

Daddy slings Abigail around like a human sling shot while she cracks up laughing
Note: this is what happens when you don't have a dining room table yet folks. It turns into a free for all for daddy and baby. ;) 

We play soccer because daddy wants Abbey to be on the USA women's team. Ha, she's right up there with those ladies ;)

We practice our adorable little faces that melt everyones heart

Best one yet. Ornery much?

And here are some favorite pictures I have of me and little miss lately:

Idaho has been good to us so far and we hope that it only gets better. We have lots of plans in store and we are definitely excited for family to come visit when they get the chance. 
Happy Saturday Everyone!

P.S. I hope everyone has an amazing Mother's Day. I will be doing a post about that, but until then enjoy those little ones(or big ones) of yours and hug them and kiss them and let them know you are so thankful to be their mommy!