Thursday, June 13, 2013

Half a year and counting

             Weight: 16 pounds 12 ounces
Height: 27.5 inches 

Milestones: Can sit up by herself completely. Says DADA!!! Claps her hands as soon as I start to sing If your happy and you know it. Waves hello and bye bye. Gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. When you ask her what a bear says she growls. SO CUTE. Started giving kisses.

Favorites: Singing if your happy and you know it and patty cake. Walking around while we hold her hands. Swinging(she giggles the ENTIRE time). Growling. Snuggling and putting her face against mine. Daddy coming home from work...she claps! 

Not so Favorites: Baby food...she could care less if she has any. I still try every day because her doctor said its okay if she isn't interested as long as she is still breastfeeding regularly, but keep we are. Still doesn't like having shoes on. 

Here she is 7 months old already and I am just now doing her 6 month post...ugh! I need to get on top of things! Once again my heart has grown even more in love with this little girl. She is growing so fast and I can't believe that she can do half of the things she can. My husband and I joke that its more and more like having a little adult around. I still ask her if I can keep her forever all the time. I don't ever want to let her go (my mom is laughing as she reads this because I always give her a hard time about letting go). Now I know how you feel mom, I digress. Seriously I just cannot put into words the love a mother feels for her child. Its amazing, beautiful, wonderful and all of those mushy words. I don't want her to grow up, but at the same time I am so very proud of everything she learns. I always pray that I am doing my best at raising her how Heavenly Father would want me to raise her. Its a huge responsibility after all. I just want her to grow up to be so confident in who she is and to always love the Lord more than anything else. I know she will be amazing because she already blows me away every day. I hope she always knows how perfectly beautiful she is and that she was made in God's image just the way he would have her be. If she knows that then I did my job well. I know, I know so gushy! I just can't help it. I love her. Well, thats all for now. Stay tuned for more exciting things we have been up to!