Monday, March 4, 2013

For Love of the Game

My husband and I are HUGE soccer fans. Our city has an amazing team in the MLS and we go to as many games as we possibly can. And I mean every game that is possible. Including the one last season that I went to at 40 weeks pregnant...past my due date. Now we do not go sit and watch the game and leave, no that isn't our style. We stand jump around in the Cauldron. This is the member section where everyone is yelling chants, waving scarves and flags, jumping up and down, swaying back and forth, and well you get the idea. Thankfully I am a die hard fan and the little 9 pound babe in my stomach didn't stop me, or even make me think twice. I was actually kind of hoping it would put me into labor but who am I kidding I had been walking, running, doing jumping jacks and all kinds of stuff the week before. No such luck! But the game was still amazing and so much always!

I think I am 8 months pregnant here
 and yep we still went in the rain!

And here it is...40 weeks pregnant 
and off to jump around and yell out chants

So this Saturday was there first game of the season, but it was away so we had to deal with watching it on TV. We still rocked our team wear and we even had our little bitty here to rock hers too. We even did some chants on our own...I believe that we will win! And we did...of course! I can't wait until it warms up so we can take Abigail to her first match!

Sporting till we die! 

My fav player!

cutest fan ever!

Had to get some play time in 

And all that cheering knocked her right out!

And there it is! First game and win of the season. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady! I enjoy following you and just nominated your sweet little blog for a Liebster award. Check out my latest post. I hope more people find your little gem of a blog through it. Hope you participate as well!
