Friday, March 22, 2013

Four Months

Weight: 15 pounds 6 ounces
Height: 26 inches long 

I cannot believe we have had this amazing little girl for four months. The best four months of my life. She is my world and I feel so blessed that she is mine. With that being said, lets get into some of the details of what she has been up to! 

She has gotten a lot more fun now and has quite the little personality. She giggles all the time and can roll over both ways. She learned to roll from back to belly 2 days before she turned 4 months. She has also started eating Oatmeal at night and loves it as long as we put something in it to make it sweeter. Her favorite place to play is in her baby Einstein jumper.  She has found her voice and squeals and jabbers all the time. She even says "hi" sometimes when we tell her to, but we know she has no idea what it means so it doesn't really count. At her 4 month appointment the doctor said she looks great and we are going to have our hands full soon. She said developmentally she is around 6-7 months so we need to start baby proofing since she will start trying to crawl. We are so in love with our little ball of personality. She definitely lets us know when she doesn't like something and we wouldn't have her any other way. She loves when we sing to her. Her daddy is definitely the best at making her laugh. It is so funny because she just knows daddy is the silly one. She gets super excited and smiley when he gets home from work.The doctor said she is a very social little girl and very alert for her age. I would have never guessed considering she squeals at me if I'm not paying enough attention to her. We have a social butterfly on our hands. 

Here are some pictures of her 4 month dr. appointment:

Poor thing has no idea what is about to happen

Loving on our girl before the big bad nurse comes in

Laughing at daddy

Mommy trying to keep her calm

She LOVED the paper!

She did awesome this time. Her first shots she cried for like ten minutes afterwards and was MAD at us. This time she only cried for maybe a minute and was ready to play afterwards. Much easier on mommy, but still sad at the same time. 

A special Thanks goes out to Jessica at Little Baby Garvin for the four month bubble added to her picture. She is so creative. Go to her blog and check out her adorable little girl and all of her amazing talent! 


  1. Your little girl is such a doll! So beautiful!

  2. Aww thank you!! Your sweet girl is just as beautiful :)
