Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sixteen months

Weight: 19 pounds 6 ounces
                                                            Height: 30 inches

It has been awhile since I have done an update on her stats and milestones and she has changed so much since she was a year old so I thought it was time! 

Communication: Waves, says hi and bye bye, love you, blows kisses, gives big sloppy kisses and hugs. She knows her animal noises( dog, cat, cow, horse, pig, dinosaur) 

This girl has a crazy vocabulary. She literally tries to say anything she hears. Sometimes she is successful and sometimes not, but it is so cute! You probably won't believe me unless you know her when I tell you how many words she knows. She loves to read and I try to read to her at least 3 times a day, so I think this helps. 

Words she says on a daily basis (I counted 33 which is totally crazy to me and the only reason I am typing them all out is so I will be able to look back one day and remember ;) ) 
Bye Bye
Chad(her uncle) 
Shoes (chooz)
Juice(which really means water) 
Dora( she has only seen Dora like 3 times haha so I am not sure why she is OBSESSED with her)
George(curious george)
Thank you
GOAL! when she kicks her soccer ball into the goal
What's this 
What's that
Bite(she says this when she wants to eat) 
Shhh(when I pretend to sleep) 
Hot(she started this when I tried to feed her something and she abruptly told me "hot") 
Night night
Love you
ohhh (at anything new or exciting) 
Hat (she is obsessed with them, if you are wearing one she will repeatedly say hat hat hat hat until you give it to her haha) 
And the last and cutest word she can say is "Jesus" it is clear as day and so adorable! She will point to his picture in our house and say it or at church anytime she sees his picture on the wall she says it. 

Her Favorites: Dancing, drawing, playing soccer, having mommy or daddy say ready set go and then racing us, reading books, exploring, hats, animals, taking her shoes off and asking me to put them back on…we do this like 50 times a day haha its so cute, food…she is SUCH a good eater. She still nurses quite a bit, but she loves food so much! 

Her not so favorites: Going night night, being told no, and she gets a little stir crazy if we have to be in the house all day. She loves to be constantly doing something, which is great but makes life a little more interesting when I have run out of shoes to put on her and books to read and crafts to make. 

It is CRAZY how much she has grown. She is way smarter than I ever imagined her to be...who knew your 16 month could outsmart you on every level? HAHA, no but really. I feel like with every stage in her life there is something new and exciting that she is doing, which is really amazing. It is so neat to watch her discover the world on her own. I want to guard her and protect her so that she never feels an ounce of pain, but I know that everything she will experience will be for her own good. I am so excited to continue to share my life with her and see her do amazing things. XOXO little girl…I love you! 


  1. How adorable is she in that picture?! Happy 16 months beautiful girl! XO
