Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ten months

Weight: 19 pounds 4 ounces

Milestones: Says mommy, daddy, baby, bye bye, hi, ball, and I kid you not she says "abbey" and "abigee" for Abigail...I am babysitting the neighbors little boy and he says abbey all day long so she picked it up. I will post a video below. This girl is verbal! Learned to climb stairs. Took 2 steps...will be walking any day now. Found her belly button haha. Blows kisses. Learned to take her diaper off...uh oh. When my husband goes to work she walks around with her push walker saying "daddy bye bye" its so cute. 

Favorites: Bath. She has started liking cuddling a lot more lately. Climbing on everything. Pulling clothes out of her drawer. 

Not so favorites: Her carseat. Wearing bows :( she rips them off in .2 seconds. Bedtime. 

Happy 11 months to my little girl today. I love looking back at the previous month while I am writing these. Where did my little baby go? She is turning into a toddler right before my eyes and while it is really sad I love it. I get to see her personality bloom and she is so much fun. I love just being around her. She can always put me in a good mood no matter how bad of a day I am having. She is learning things so quickly. I will post 3 videos below that are just too cute. I am so excited for her first birthday, but sad that family lives so far away. I am in party planning mode. Until next time ;) 


Saying Abbey

Climbing the stairs: 

Cleaning out her drawers 


  1. Zaden lovea to take his diaper off too... And his clothes, especially at nap time! We've resorted to duct tape on his diaper for naps and it works wonders :)

  2. I love love love your main picture, beautiful family!! And, she is such a doll!
