1. Angelcare 3-in-1 baby monitor: I seriously cannot rave about this monitor enough. The video on it is so clear and amazing. You can see the eyelashes on your little babe...seriously! It tells you the temperature of the room, and it shows you a little pendulum swinging to ensure you that your baby is breathing, which brings me to the Sensor pad. If your anything like me you stay awake at night and stare at your newborn to make sure they are breathing. Talk about lack of sleep! This is not healthy for you or anyone involved. The sensor pad detects your little one's movement(even breathing) and an alarm sounds if no movement is felt within 20 seconds. The night after we bought this I was actually able to get some sleep because I knew that this thing would go crazy if my sweet babe quit breathing. Best money we have ever spent!
2. Bare Naked Boppy: If your breastfeeding this is a MUST! It helps you prop baby up close to you so that your arms don't get tired. Plus the baby loves it too because they get to lay on something comfy while filling their little tummy. Also, now that my little girl is older its great for propping, napping, and we even use it under her play mat to get her closer to her toys. The bare naked one is great because you can change covers. This is especially great when your little one decides it is the perfect place to get rid of all the milk they just ate. It comes off easily and can be thrown right into the washer. If your wanting a free nursing pillow go to www.nursingpillow.com and use the promo code WTE and all you will pay for is shipping :)

3. Medela Pump in Style: Umm hello, this thing rocks! Lets be honest pumping is not very much fun, but this handy dandy pump makes it that much easier. I exclusively breastfeed so this has been such a life saver when we want to get out of the house. The backpack is awesome because it is easy to carry and most people have no idea whats inside. It comes with a battery pack which is great for pumping while on the road. On our six hour trips to see grandparents this saves us from having to stop and feed the babe every 3 hours. I just pump into a bottle when its close to time for her to eat and feed her the bottle while going down the road. Definitely worth the money!

4. ABC Arbonne Baby Shampoo/body wash: This botanically-based, mild wash is tear-free and replaces the skin's natural oils, as it cleans, moisturizes, and conditions. I love that it is all chemical free. I can't believe that popular companies can put mineral oil(cancer causing agent) and formaldehyde in their baby products. No thank you!
5. ABC Arbonne Baby Lotion: This is a gentle lotion formulated for delicate skin. I love this! You do not have to use very much and it goes a long way. Plus it is also chemical free and helps with dry skin.
6. Swaddle me sleep sacks: The picture shows you everything you need to know! This helps her sleep like it's her job. She LOVES to be swaddled and actually won't really sleep without it. If your little one is houdini like mine and can get out of anything (especially a sorry attempt for a swaddle blanket by her mama) then these are for you. These keep her arms down so that her startle factor doesn't wake her up. She has been sleeping 9 hours straight since around 8 weeks old and I don't doubt that this has something to do with it. Along with the sweet schedule I have her on.
(My babe peacefully sleeping in her swaddle me)
7. A noise machine. Any will work! My daughters sound of choice is rain, but lately we have just been using a space heater on the fan setting. It is LOUD which helps block out any noise from outside her room that might wake her up. We introduced this when we introduced her schedule and I don't dare take it away in case it is the reason she started sleeping through the night.
8. Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat and Base: This car seat is awesome! It is pretty light and has been proven to be very safe. It clicks right into the base and to pull it out you just push a lever. Also the base installs so easy. There are two clips in the back that clip onto the hooks in your car and then there is a level on the side to show you have it in right. My husband and I love this system!
9. Carseat Canopy: This is awesome for windy, cold days. Also for the nosey, germ filled strangers that think a newborn is a magnet. It comes in different patterns and colors to go with your little babes gender. Use the promo code: wtechristmas and get a free one. You only pay for shipping!

10. Crane Drop Shape Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier: I love this humidifier! It is so cute and it has helped my little babe sleep so well. Anytime she has had a cold we just crank this thing up and it helps get rid of it super fast. It has a soft glow of green when it is still full of water and turns red when it is empty so it is easy to know when you need to fill it. Also, its super easy to change out the water and it doesn't leak!
11. Boon Lawn Drying Rack: It is adorable!!! Seriously though this was my husbands favorite thing to look at when we went shopping for the little one. Do men really get excited over a cute little patch of grass to dry bottles on? Yes, yes they do. It does such a good job at holding everything on it and we probably should have gotten the lawn and not the grass. Oh and not to mention the cute little tree you can buy to hold bottle nipples. Actually now that I am thinking of it that will be one of my next purchases! Love this little item!
12. Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail: Who wants to have smelly diapers as their air freshener? Not me. This diaper pail does an amazing job of masking the smell completely. I was a little hesitant at first because I had never heard of this one before, but after checking the reviews I was sold. It has some of the best reviews and well, it deserves them! Its super easy to change the bag holding the diapers, it holds a lot, and it spins itself when you shut the lid so you don't have to reach down in there and spin it yourself. No thanks, I'll pass on taking the chance of getting my arm covered in poop. Let's be honest us mommy's get that enough. Oh and another plus...its one of the cheaper ones! I would highly recommend this baby!
13. Gumdrop Pacifiers: These are so cute! You can see your little babe sucking away on this thing and it is beyond adorable. Plus they look so cute because they take up a huge part of their face. I have always thought it was so cute when babies use a pacifier so I was happy when my little girl decided to fall in love with hers. These are awesome for helping them self soothe and also for helping them sleep a little longer at night. In the beginning my little babe didn't quite have the hang of it and would lose it a lot and cry for it, but now that she knows how to use it it was worth all the nights I had to wake up and put it back in. Oh and I gave this to my daughter the second night in the hospital and she had zero nipple confusion. The link takes you to the pacifiers with the pacifier wipes, which are also awesome because you will drop these things a lot! Love these!
(Here she is loving her gumdrop pacifier!)
cool items! I like the idea of the Angel care monitor...maybe next kid we will get one :)
ReplyDeleteSo how did you introduce a schedule to her?
Yeah! I love the monitor. It's great :) I just started her on a schedule I had read about and it worked! If your interested in it for your next one I can send you it in an email!
ReplyDeleteI would love that! I'm always up for learning new methods! My email is aubreyc2@gmail.com. Thanks Ashley!