Abigail's Birth Story

I have been wanting to share Abigail's birth story with family and friends and so that I will always have it to go back and read and remember that amazing day. I just now found the time to sit down and write it since most of you know that a new baby is pretty time consuming. I hope you enjoy!

I had a very eventful pregnancy towards the end. I was in the hospital four different times with what we thought was pre-term labor. I had full on contractions and would end up going into labor and delivery to lay there for a few hours and get shots to stop the contractions. We all thought that I was going to have my little girl early because this started around 30 weeks. I went to my 37 week appointment and I was dilated 1 cm and 60% effaced. The doctor said it could happen any day now and that the baby was super low. And then at my 38 week appointment I was still 1 cm 80% effaced. At my 39 week appointment my doctor swept my membranes and that is suppose to help labor start within 24-48 hours.  I was very crampy afterwards, but the next day nothing. Of course I was going to be the 1 out of 3 people that it doesn't work on. At my 40 week appointment I was still 1 cm 90% effaced and I had started to grow very impatient. I was so ready to meet our baby! After talking to my doctor about the risks of inducing early I decided to wait another week. I left with an induction set for Thursday November 1st, or so I thought. Later that day I got a phone call from a nurse saying that the hospital was booked for inductions that day and I was first on the list if someone had there baby before then. I felt like I was never going to have this baby. I called the morning of my induction to see if I would be able to come in and they were still booked. Then I made Nick call and ask that afternoon and still no change. I decided to call one more time that day( I know I probably sounded crazy, but I was so ready and so emotional). I talked to a nurse and she said there was still no change so I got off the phone and started crying. About 10 minutes later the nurse called back and said she pulled my file because I had called so many times and she was curious. She talked to her boss and got permission to have me come in that night to start the process. What a sweetheart! I am sure she is used to crazy hormonal pregnant woman calling a million times especially when they are overdue. I thanked her a million times and she said she was happy she could help. So when Nick got home from work we got everything ready and then we went to Pepperjax for dinner with our parents. Nick and I left to go to the hospital around 8:45 to start the process. I was so excited and tired of waiting that I didn't even feel nervous. When we got there I slipped into my hospital gown, got my IV, and the nurse put in the gel to help my cervix dilate.

Saint Lukes East Hospital 
Lee's Summit, MO 

Then, Nick and I watched the Real Salt Lake soccer match, talked a little bit about how excited we were and went to bed.

 I actually slept really well. The next morning Nick and I looked out the window at the beautiful sunrise and talked about how excited we were to meet our girl! At 7 am they came in to check and see if I had made any progress. Nope. Still 1 cm. The doctor came in to tell me he was going to do another round of the gel instead of starting Pitocin because there was a risk of a c-section if I wasn't at least 3 cm when they start the medicine. I was frustrated then, but so thankful now. I will never be able to express how amazing my doctor was. I was able to get up and walk around since I wasn't in active labor yet. It was nice to walk the halls and keep my mind off of my non progress. Nick was great at talking to me and helped keep me distracted. He was just amazing through the whole process.

Nick ready for the exciting day ahead of us

Pretty sunrise outside our window 

Talking to Nick about how I couldn't believe
 the day was finally here

Around noon the nurse came in to check how much progress I had made. I was only at 2 cm. I felt like this was going to take forever. So from then it was just a waiting game until I reached 3 cm to get my water broken. Luckily I had my mom, Jeanne, and Nick there to keep me company. 

Nick and I cuddling and waiting...

...more waiting 

At 3:30 my doctor came in and checked and I was finally 3 cm. I was really excited, but a little nervous about getting my water broken because I heard the contractions get much more intense. He broke my water and almost instantly the contractions were way more painful. It all went pretty fast after this. The next time he came to check I was dilated to a 5. I decided that I would try some pain medicine in my IV since my plan was to try doing this without an epidural. The nurse gave me the pain medicine and it only helped for a little while. When it wore off I was in tears. My mom, Jeanne, and Nick were great. They were massaging my back, holding my hand, and talking me through it. I was so thankful they were all there. I would have broke down without them. 

When I was around 7 cm I was begging for the nurse to come give me an epidural. I was a little sad that I couldn't do it without, but I had to do what was best for me and this was it. I needed to relax before it was time to push. The epidural did not hurt at all. I didn't even feel a thing and I think it was because the contractions were so intense. The hardest part is sitting perfectly still while your having a contraction, but she was great and got it done very quickly. Only one side of my body went numb, so they had to give me an extra initial dose, but after that I couldn't feel a thing.  I was able to calm down and relax and I was thankful I got the epidural so I could enjoy my girl's birth. I fixed my makeup and brushed my hair and waited some more.

 When the nurse came in to check me again I was at a 10, but I had to wait because my doctor was at another hospital. This was okay with me though because I didn't have the feeling that I needed to push like most people do. Finally my doctor got there and checked me and said it was time to push. He left and the nurse had me start pushing. After a few rounds of pushing Abigail's heart rate started dropping with every contraction so I had to put on an oxygen mask. After about 30 minutes of pushing and no progress the nurse suggested that we use a blanket and sort of play tug of war to help me push. She was such a fun nurse and amazing at her job. This helped so much. After awhile Nick asked if he could take the nurses place and so she let him. I thought this was so sweet of him and I know it made him feel great that he could help. 

After 2 and a half hours of pushing, Miss Abigail Scout Bryant entered the world at 11:29 p.m. on November 2nd. I will never be able to describe how amazing that moment was. The moment I became a mama. It was so sacred and all I could do was look at her and say aww. I was speechless. Nick was crying, my mom and Jeanne were both crying. The room was filled with love. It was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I truly felt how much my Heavenly Father loves me in that moment to allow me such a blessing. I knew my life would be forever changed. 

 They laid her on my chest and I couldn't stop staring at my beautiful little girl. I couldn't believe she was mine. She stopped crying after a minute and just stared back at me. It was so amazing that she knew I was her mama and I told her how much I love her and gave her lots of kisses. Then, Nick cut her cord and she was taken to be cleaned and weighed. I was so anxious to see how much she weighed. The doctor had told me she would be small, but when she was born he said wow thats a lot of baby. She is a chunky monkey. They put her on the scale and Nick said "you won't believe how much she weighs" Our moms left and he told me. 8 pounds 14 ounces. Are you serious?  I had almost a 9 pound baby. I couldn't believe it. After she was cleaned up and handed back to me it was time for her to eat. I was nervous as I have heard breastfeeding can be extremely hard. Not for my little chunk. She latched right on and ate for 45 minutes. I was so happy because I wanted to be able to breastfeed more than anything. It has been extremely bonding and I know that it is something I can give her to keep her the healthiest she can be.

Seeing Nick with her was more than amazing. He was so happy and so proud. It was adorable to see his face light up when he held her for the first time. I knew then that he would be wrapped around her finger. And boy was I right! 

Like I said before I had such an amazing doctor. I will never be able to express how thankful I am for him. He was so patient with me the whole time. I ended up not even having to get Pitocin because he let me go into labor on my own. He took his time delivering Abbey and he even did so well that I didn't have to have a single stitch. He always complimented me on how well I was doing throughout my pregnancy and made me feel great at each appointment. I vote him as the best doctor the world! 

Family seeing Abbey for the first time: 

My mom

Nick's parents

Great Grandma Helen

Uncle Zack

Aunt Rachel

Cousin Ryder

The next day Uncle Dawson, Aunt Carrie, and Cousin Sophie came to see Abigail. Unfortunately Pryce was sick and so he wasn't able to meet her yet. 

My dad wasn't able to be there for her birth because of work and I missed him so much. I wanted to include him so here is a picture of him meeting her for the first time: 

It was nice being in the hospital for a couple days just being able to relax and have some help, but we were definitely ready to go home. 

And then it was time to go home... 

She has been the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I was meant to be a mama and I love every minute of every day that I get to spend with her. She has brought so much joy and meaning to my life. I love her more than I will ever be able to express and I know her daddy feels the same way. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic story! Thanks for sharing, Ashley. And great pictures! I regret not having good pictures of Bryson's birth. One day I will have to blog about his birth story so you can read it, too. She is such a beautiful blessing. Great job!
