Saturday, March 16, 2013

Oh the joys....of baby cereal

Wow I am so far behind. I have like 3 different blog posts I want to do so I better get going before I get wayyy behind. Last Wednesday we started cute little Abigail on baby cereal. I got the okay from her pediatrician and I was super excited to see how she would do. We did it at night to help her sleep because like most babies she started going through a sleep regression around 4 months. We started with rice cereal mixed with some breast milk and umm..she was NOT a fan. She cried pretty much the whole time I tried to feed her. She just wasn't having it. I don't blame the girl. Have you tried rice cereal? No taste and nasty smell, no thanks!
Organic is how we roll at our house. 

This was before we started to feed her. She started out in the chair
 but definitely ended up just eating while I held her because
 I felt so bad that she hated it. 

Mom, get this out of my mouth!

...was not a hit

So after three days of trying this and no improvement I decided that we would try Oatmeal. I had heard that babies enjoy this more so I thought it was worth a shot. She still wasn't a huge fan, but there was definitely improvement. She ate all of it without crying. We were slowly getting there and I was not about to give up because I know the girl is hungry. She stares me down while I eat and tries to grab my food. She has definitely figured out there is more in the world than breastmilk. 

Tired girl

Not so bad?

So then I heard you can mix a little bit of something with the baby cereal to make it taste better and more appealing to them. Who knew?!? So, we bought some baby organic banana food and mixed that in with the oatmeal and breast milk and what do you know? She was dive bombing the spoon and grunting at me when I wasn't getting it in her mouth fast enough. So cute. We have slowly started increasing the amount we give her and she is finishing it all and sleeping through the night again. We have a happy full baby, and a happy rested mommy. Double SCORE! 

Is that a smile? 

Look at that face...give me some more! 

Oh and for the record, this is something that daddy is way better at than mommy. She loves when he feeds her and she eats better when he does it. Apparently I'm not fast enough? But thats okay because they are super cute together and I enjoy watching! 


  1. Love this! Zaden hated the rice cereal as well and preferred oatmeal. We always mixed a little applesauce with it to make it a little sweeter and to this day he eats a big bowl of oatmeal and applesauce almost every morning! So glad she is sleeping again! yay!!

  2. So happy to hear she's sleeping again! :)

  3. Zaden is too cute! And making it sweeter has really helped! I'm glad she is sleeping again too. For a couple weeks I was like no girlie we cannot play at 2 am! Glad she is over that. Although she is so cute I almost gave in a couple times and played with her...that would have started a bad habit haha

  4. Halfway through this post I was thinking, I'm gonna text her right now and tell her to put some sweet baby food in there! Lol. Glad you figured it out and she's eating well. Don't forget you can also mix the banana food with her original rice cereal so it doesn't go to waste! She is too stinkin cute!

  5. She is getting so big. Can't wait to see her and get to play and feed and SPOIL HER.

  6. Jaren hated cereal as well! I gave it a try a handful of times and then got smart and just started him on solids. Apples were his favorite. Just wait until she starts throwing all her food on the floor, that is where we are right now!

  7. Yeah I think we are going to start veggies soon! Jaren is sooo cute!
