Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Summer, Please!

A couple weeks ago it was 80 degrees...such a tease! Anyway when my husband got off work we decided to take Abigail to the park for the first time. It was a lot of fun taking her on her first walk since she was born in November and it has been wayyy too cold. She was pretty tired though and so as we were swinging with her she started to fall asleep. Sweet girl. She loved it and after that her daddy and I played soccer while she slept in her stroller. It was a great day and really gave me spring summer fever. I LOVE warm temperatures and all that comes with it. There is just something about the sunshine that makes everyone a little happier...including me!
On the way to the park...I couldn't get her to look up 

Cute daddy

All the swinging wore her out

When we got home it was still super nice out and we decided to do steaks on the grill..yum! My husband is an amazing cook and especially on the grill. Abigail and I went outside and sat with daddy while he cooked on the grill. Nick thought it would be fun to let her feel the grass for the first time. She didn't know what to think. She kept looking down at it. It was super cute. 
Mom, what is this stuff?

She just couldn't figure it out.

I love days like these. My girl, my husband, and warm sunshine. I cannot wait for summer and more fun days like these. I am so blessed and I love my little family more than anything. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Four Months

Weight: 15 pounds 6 ounces
Height: 26 inches long 

I cannot believe we have had this amazing little girl for four months. The best four months of my life. She is my world and I feel so blessed that she is mine. With that being said, lets get into some of the details of what she has been up to! 

She has gotten a lot more fun now and has quite the little personality. She giggles all the time and can roll over both ways. She learned to roll from back to belly 2 days before she turned 4 months. She has also started eating Oatmeal at night and loves it as long as we put something in it to make it sweeter. Her favorite place to play is in her baby Einstein jumper.  She has found her voice and squeals and jabbers all the time. She even says "hi" sometimes when we tell her to, but we know she has no idea what it means so it doesn't really count. At her 4 month appointment the doctor said she looks great and we are going to have our hands full soon. She said developmentally she is around 6-7 months so we need to start baby proofing since she will start trying to crawl. We are so in love with our little ball of personality. She definitely lets us know when she doesn't like something and we wouldn't have her any other way. She loves when we sing to her. Her daddy is definitely the best at making her laugh. It is so funny because she just knows daddy is the silly one. She gets super excited and smiley when he gets home from work.The doctor said she is a very social little girl and very alert for her age. I would have never guessed considering she squeals at me if I'm not paying enough attention to her. We have a social butterfly on our hands. 

Here are some pictures of her 4 month dr. appointment:

Poor thing has no idea what is about to happen

Loving on our girl before the big bad nurse comes in

Laughing at daddy

Mommy trying to keep her calm

She LOVED the paper!

She did awesome this time. Her first shots she cried for like ten minutes afterwards and was MAD at us. This time she only cried for maybe a minute and was ready to play afterwards. Much easier on mommy, but still sad at the same time. 

A special Thanks goes out to Jessica at Little Baby Garvin for the four month bubble added to her picture. She is so creative. Go to her blog and check out her adorable little girl and all of her amazing talent! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Oh the joys....of baby cereal

Wow I am so far behind. I have like 3 different blog posts I want to do so I better get going before I get wayyy behind. Last Wednesday we started cute little Abigail on baby cereal. I got the okay from her pediatrician and I was super excited to see how she would do. We did it at night to help her sleep because like most babies she started going through a sleep regression around 4 months. We started with rice cereal mixed with some breast milk and umm..she was NOT a fan. She cried pretty much the whole time I tried to feed her. She just wasn't having it. I don't blame the girl. Have you tried rice cereal? No taste and nasty smell, no thanks!
Organic is how we roll at our house. 

This was before we started to feed her. She started out in the chair
 but definitely ended up just eating while I held her because
 I felt so bad that she hated it. 

Mom, get this out of my mouth!

...was not a hit

So after three days of trying this and no improvement I decided that we would try Oatmeal. I had heard that babies enjoy this more so I thought it was worth a shot. She still wasn't a huge fan, but there was definitely improvement. She ate all of it without crying. We were slowly getting there and I was not about to give up because I know the girl is hungry. She stares me down while I eat and tries to grab my food. She has definitely figured out there is more in the world than breastmilk. 

Tired girl

Not so bad?

So then I heard you can mix a little bit of something with the baby cereal to make it taste better and more appealing to them. Who knew?!? So, we bought some baby organic banana food and mixed that in with the oatmeal and breast milk and what do you know? She was dive bombing the spoon and grunting at me when I wasn't getting it in her mouth fast enough. So cute. We have slowly started increasing the amount we give her and she is finishing it all and sleeping through the night again. We have a happy full baby, and a happy rested mommy. Double SCORE! 

Is that a smile? 

Look at that face...give me some more! 

Oh and for the record, this is something that daddy is way better at than mommy. She loves when he feeds her and she eats better when he does it. Apparently I'm not fast enough? But thats okay because they are super cute together and I enjoy watching! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Liebster Award

I want to start by saying thank you so much to the beautiful and talented Jess at Jason, Me & Baby T for nominating me for the blogger Liebster Award. I am so honored. I thoroughly enjoy blogging and up until now the only people who really followed along was family so I am excited to meet other mommy bloggers and share in our joys and sorrows of motherhood, learn from each other, and have fun! The rules are as follows:
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger has set up for you and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you are passing the award to.
3. Choose new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and let them know you have nominated them!
5. No tag backs.

   11 Random Facts about me, myself, and I.

1. I'm a Mormon. I feel like you have to know this about me to understand me at all. This is the reason I live my life the way I do, and that is a good thing.
2. I am a sucker for a HOT bath, good read, and a long run.
3. I smile all the time. And it is because I am a genuinely happy person.
4. I am a perfectionist. Ask my husband. When I paint my nails I have to redo the whole thing if I mess up even a tiny little spot. It drives him nuts when I get out the nail polish because he knows it will take an hour at least.
5. My husband is my best friend. I feel like he is a puzzle piece that fits into my life perfectly. He gets me and all my weaknesses, but loves me anyway. I don't deserve that man.
6. I am IN LOVE with children. My husband calls it my "baby distraction disorder" because if one is in the room you can bet that is where my attention is. I really can't help it. I think children are pure perfection.
7. I have recently started to love who I am. I used to struggle with huge insecurities but thanks to my husband and my little girl I am overcoming that.
8. I have a tendency to be too that possible? But I respect people for being completely honest with me.
9. My two favorite smells are my babe's skin and the smell of rain.
10. When I envision my future with Abigail I hope that she can come to me with anything. I hope we will cuddle all the time, laugh, cry, and just enjoy life to the full capacity that we know how.
11. I have a HUGE heart. I would give anyone the shoes off my feet and the coat off my back if they needed it.

The 11 Questions From Jess and My Answers:

1. How have you changed since becoming a mama?  I know a lot of mamas say they get lost in changing diapers, chasing kids, losing sleep, and all that comes with motherhood. But honestly, Motherhood has helped me find myself. I always say I was born to be a mommy and it is so true. I have always had MAJOR motherly instincts and have always dreamed of the day I would become a mommy. I just never knew it would be THIS amazing!

2. What inspires you? I think the thing that inspires me the most is when people genuinely care about other people. I really don't think there is anything better than when someone loves someone else just because it is the right thing to do.

3. Describe your fashion style. Hmm. I have been told a lot that I am spunky. At first I was like wait what? Is that a nice way to say I am weird? No, its not. I am original and I love being me. I think my fashion style is just that. I like mixing different prints and different colors. I like putting things together that some people would have never thought went together. That's just me.

4. What do you do to relax? Relax? What does that word even mean? Ha I'm kidding. I love running to get rid of stress. But relaxing to me is laying down with my husband and girl and all three of us laughing and having fun. (Do you see a trend here? I am a softy)

5. How would others describe you? I think others would describe me as giving, fun to be around, happy, and creative.

6. What surprised you the most about motherhood? I honestly had no idea that it would be this rewarding. It is the most amazing thing I have ever been given the opportunity to do. It makes my heart full and my life even more worthwhile. I love that little girl more than my heart can handle.

7. What is your favorite song? This one has to be a hymn. Be Still My Soul.

8. What do you and your spouse do to stay connected since becoming parents? Like I said my husband is my best friend. He makes me laugh all the spit out my drink laugh. He doesn't even have to try and I always feel connected to him. Other than that we love staying up late at night and talking!

9. What is your favorite season and why? I think I am going to have to go with fall on this one. I love all of the seasons for different reasons, but there is just something about fall that I love. It is perfect weather, colorful leaves, bonfires, camping, picnics, and just so much fun.

10. If you could go anywhere, where would it be and who would you take with you? This is a tough one. I can think of a million places I would love to go. However, I think Italy has my heart on this one. I would love to go and explore and try tons of Italian food. I would most definitely take my husband and miss Abigail. I would wait until she was older and would enjoy it though.

11. What is one goal you are currently trying to achieve? Besides being the best mother, wife, and daughter I can be? I would say I am trying to become successful at an amazing business I just joined, and all the while get my degree in elementary education. Big goals for this girl.

Can you see why this girl has every piece of my heart?
Seriously...she is beyond words. Just when I thought
she couldn't get any cuter she started sucking her thumb.

I am giving the Liebster Award to:

Little Baby Seed

Little Harper

The Frill of Life

I love reading these and I think these mommies have awesome blogs and deserve to be recognized!

My 11 questions for them are: 

1. If you could give new moms one piece of advice what would it be?
2. What is the biggest obstacle you have ever had to overcome in life and what did it teach you?
3. What is your perfect day?
4. What is your funniest moment as being a mommy?
5. Share with us your absolute favorite baby item.
6. What's your favorite holiday?
7. Describe your personality.
8. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
9. Favorite store?
10. Where do you enjoy taking your little one the most?
11. How is being a mama different than you expected?

Enjoy ladies!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

For Love of the Game

My husband and I are HUGE soccer fans. Our city has an amazing team in the MLS and we go to as many games as we possibly can. And I mean every game that is possible. Including the one last season that I went to at 40 weeks pregnant...past my due date. Now we do not go sit and watch the game and leave, no that isn't our style. We stand jump around in the Cauldron. This is the member section where everyone is yelling chants, waving scarves and flags, jumping up and down, swaying back and forth, and well you get the idea. Thankfully I am a die hard fan and the little 9 pound babe in my stomach didn't stop me, or even make me think twice. I was actually kind of hoping it would put me into labor but who am I kidding I had been walking, running, doing jumping jacks and all kinds of stuff the week before. No such luck! But the game was still amazing and so much always!

I think I am 8 months pregnant here
 and yep we still went in the rain!

And here it is...40 weeks pregnant 
and off to jump around and yell out chants

So this Saturday was there first game of the season, but it was away so we had to deal with watching it on TV. We still rocked our team wear and we even had our little bitty here to rock hers too. We even did some chants on our own...I believe that we will win! And we did...of course! I can't wait until it warms up so we can take Abigail to her first match!

Sporting till we die! 

My fav player!

cutest fan ever!

Had to get some play time in 

And all that cheering knocked her right out!

And there it is! First game and win of the season.