I want to start by saying thank you so much to the beautiful and talented Jess at
Jason, Me & Baby T for nominating me for the blogger Liebster Award. I am so honored. I thoroughly enjoy blogging and up until now the only people who really followed along was family so I am excited to meet other mommy bloggers and share in our joys and sorrows of motherhood, learn from each other, and have fun! The rules are as follows:
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger has set up for you and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you are passing the award to.
3. Choose new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and let them know you have nominated them!
5. No tag backs.
11 Random Facts about me, myself, and I.
1. I'm a Mormon. I feel like you have to know this about me to understand me at all. This is the reason I live my life the way I do, and that is a good thing.
2. I am a sucker for a HOT bath, good read, and a long run.
3. I smile all the time. And it is because I am a genuinely happy person.
4. I am a perfectionist. Ask my husband. When I paint my nails I have to redo the whole thing if I mess up even a tiny little spot. It drives him nuts when I get out the nail polish because he knows it will take an hour at least.
5. My husband is my best friend. I feel like he is a puzzle piece that fits into my life perfectly. He gets me and all my weaknesses, but loves me anyway. I don't deserve that man.
6. I am IN LOVE with children. My husband calls it my "baby distraction disorder" because if one is in the room you can bet that is where my attention is. I really can't help it. I think children are pure perfection.
7. I have recently started to love who I am. I used to struggle with huge insecurities but thanks to my husband and my little girl I am overcoming that.
8. I have a tendency to be too honest...is that possible? But I respect people for being completely honest with me.
9. My two favorite smells are my babe's skin and the smell of rain.
10. When I envision my future with Abigail I hope that she can come to me with anything. I hope we will cuddle all the time, laugh, cry, and just enjoy life to the full capacity that we know how.
11. I have a HUGE heart. I would give anyone the shoes off my feet and the coat off my back if they needed it.
The 11 Questions From Jess and My Answers:
How have you changed since becoming a mama? I know a lot of mamas say they get lost in changing diapers, chasing kids, losing sleep, and all that comes with motherhood. But honestly, Motherhood has helped me find myself. I always say I was born to be a mommy and it is so true. I have always had MAJOR motherly instincts and have always dreamed of the day I would become a mommy. I just never knew it would be THIS amazing!
What inspires you? I think the thing that inspires me the most is when people genuinely care about other people. I really don't think there is anything better than when someone loves someone else just because it is the right thing to do.
Describe your fashion style. Hmm. I have been told a lot that I am spunky. At first I was like wait what? Is that a nice way to say I am weird? No, its not. I am original and I love being me. I think my fashion style is just that. I like mixing different prints and different colors. I like putting things together that some people would have never thought went together. That's just me.
What do you do to relax? Relax? What does that word even mean? Ha I'm kidding. I love running to get rid of stress. But relaxing to me is laying down with my husband and girl and all three of us laughing and having fun. (Do you see a trend here? I am a softy)
How would others describe you? I think others would describe me as giving, fun to be around, happy, and creative.
What surprised you the most about motherhood? I honestly had no idea that it would be this rewarding. It is the most amazing thing I have ever been given the opportunity to do. It makes my heart full and my life even more worthwhile. I love that little girl more than my heart can handle.
What is your favorite song? This one has to be a hymn. Be Still My Soul.
What do you and your spouse do to stay connected since becoming parents? Like I said my husband is my best friend. He makes me laugh all the time...like spit out my drink laugh. He doesn't even have to try and I always feel connected to him. Other than that we love staying up late at night and talking!
What is your favorite season and why? I think I am going to have to go with fall on this one. I love all of the seasons for different reasons, but there is just something about fall that I love. It is perfect weather, colorful leaves, bonfires, camping, picnics, and just so much fun.
If you could go anywhere, where would it be and who would you take with you? This is a tough one. I can think of a million places I would love to go. However, I think Italy has my heart on this one. I would love to go and explore and try tons of Italian food. I would most definitely take my husband and miss Abigail. I would wait until she was older and would enjoy it though.
What is one goal you are currently trying to achieve? Besides being the best mother, wife, and daughter I can be? I would say I am trying to become successful at an amazing business I just joined, and all the while get my degree in elementary education. Big goals for this girl.
Can you see why this girl has every piece of my heart?
Seriously...she is beyond words. Just when I thought
she couldn't get any cuter she started sucking her thumb. |
I am giving the Liebster Award to:
Little Baby Seed
Little Harper
The Frill of Life
I love reading these and I think these mommies have awesome blogs and deserve to be recognized!
My 11 questions for them are:
1. If you could give new moms one piece of advice what would it be?
2. What is the biggest obstacle you have ever had to overcome in life and what did it teach you?
3. What is your perfect day?
4. What is your funniest moment as being a mommy?
5. Share with us your absolute favorite baby item.
6. What's your favorite holiday?
7. Describe your personality.
8. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
9. Favorite store?
10. Where do you enjoy taking your little one the most?
11. How is being a mama different than you expected?
Enjoy ladies!!