Sunday, August 11, 2013

Eight months

Weight: 18 pounds 1 ounce 

Milestones: Crawling completely. Pulling up to things and walking around them. Finally has 2 teeth! Plays peek-a-boo. Shakes her head yes. Says mama and dada and knows what they mean. When she gets really upset she says mommy. 

Favorites: Bath time is still her absolute favorite. Being outside. Music. Being tickled. Drinking out of her cup. Swimming in the pool. Her bedtime stories. Dinosaurs. Swinging at the park...she belly laughs. 

Not so favorites: Sleep...she fights it like crazy. Thats about it.

I know I have said this a million times lately, but I am late. She is nine months now. Our summer has been super busy and crazy and blogging has taken the back seat. I have so much to blog about our summer so hopefully I will find some time to do that. It was fun to look back on what she was up to during month 8. She is beautiful and amazing and her personality is blooming right before our eyes. She is going to be such a kind-hearted, free spirited little girl. She takes the time to observe everything around her and I can already tell she loves life. I cannot wait to spend many days enjoying my sweet little girl and watching her love everything around her. I love her more than ever and my love will continue to grow for her everyday. She makes my soul happy.