Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spring Fever

I have been dressing my girl like it is springtime out and I keep getting funny looks. It must be because we just got two feet of snow in less than a week. I kid you not...2 feet! WHAT?!?!? I am so ready for warm weather and the cute clothes for the little one(and myself) that come with it. When you have your baby in the winter its like a whole new world of fashion opens up when its springtime. You mean I actually get to show off her chunky little legs? FINALLY! I love chunky babies...there is nothing cuter!  Although I can't lie it was really nice that my husband was snowed in and got to spend the whole day with his girls. That little girl of mine is most definitely a daddy's girl. As soon as he gets home from work and starts playing with her she is nothing but a toothless grin. In other news I am excited for Abigail's first Easter! We have had her little Easter dress for awhile and it is SO cute(big thanks to Aunt Rachel). Oh and my little miss is SO close to rolling from her back to belly, which I am so excited for because I hear they start sleeping even better when this happens. She also finds the weirdest things so hilarious. The other night I started making a noise and she was full on belly laughing. I will put the video below. And of course I will leave you with some adorable pictures of Abigail. You can tell I am clearly dreaming of spring...

look at that little smirk...I die! 

Such a little lady...oh my I have no words!

(Sorry for the bad quality it was dark in the room)

 Oh my goodness! How ironic that I just posted how close my girl is to rolling from her back to belly earlier today and tonight I laid her on her play mat on her back and started eating dinner. When I turned around she was looking up at me on her stomach like what mom? Ha! I thought someone was messing with me so I put her on her back and what do you know? She rolled right on over so I took a video which I will post below. Looks like it is off to the store to buy a sleep sack tonight! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Day of Love

I have to be honest. I have always really disliked Valentine's Day. I thought it was kind of cliche to spend a holiday showing the people you love just how much you love them because well, I thought you should always do that. Until last year when I received the best news ever! I woke up just not feeling like myself and somehow I knew I was pregnant. I took a test and it was confirmed. Happy Valentine's Day to us. HA! Somehow the news took me from not liking the holiday to going over the top...babies will do that right? I filled my husbands car with balloons that night with reasons why I love him all over them. I put rose petals all over the apartment. Spelled out BE MINE? on our bed in candy hearts and made a candlelit picnic in our dining room. Suddenly it was my favorite holiday.

Here we are last year. Best Valentine's Day present I've ever had. 

Those tests don't lie! 

I wanted to have lots of fun this year because now the holiday had meaning for me. I was excited to celebrate the day I found out about my little valentine. I may be a little bit of a last minute buyer. Okay I am most definitely that. So, that day we went shopping and bought some things for miss Abigail's first V-day. Then, we had a little Valentine's Day photo shoot.  After that we ate dinner and watched Hitch with family. And what is a holiday without the babe decked in holiday wear? Well, it isn't a holiday at all. Not in my book anyway.

Abbey's v-day goodies 

naked baby covered in kisses? Yes!

I'm in love with that little smile cute?

Later that night my husband and I kept our nephew overnight so there was more fun to be had. We decided to build a fort in our living room and watch a movie. He was pumped, but I think my husband was more excited that he had a reason to build a fort. Love the kid in him! So I read "We Belong Together" to Abigail and put her to bed. Then, it was time to watch Ninja Turtles in our fort. 

Note: The book was not upside down. 
You are my cupcake is on the other side. Its a two in one book.

Our amazing blanket fort!

inside our fort 

And to leave you with the cute little faces of my favorite valentine! 

I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's day! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snuggle bug

We officially have snuggles. That is right, my girl loves to cuddle. She gets it honest because her dad loves to cuddle even more than I do. I almost died from the cuteness the first time she did it. She snuggles with anything near by. Her blankets, burp cloths, her bib, or anyone holding her. I have lots of pictures to share.

We have been at Grammy and Poppy's house in Illinois for 2 weeks. Abbey has loved spending time with them and we have enjoyed relaxing and spending time with everyone too. She got to spend time with her cousin Chance and they were super cute together. He even got in her play gym and played with her. 

She also discovered my wedding ring one night while we were here. It was super cute when she grabbed my finger and got as close to my ring as she could. Diamonds must really be a girls best friend. 

And I will leave you with a super cute picture of her in her navy and pink sailboat onesie. Her daddy has a slight obsession with sailboats and anchors. 

And it's little sweet pea can roll over! While we were at grammy and poppy's house one morning I thought I would give it a whirl even though she hates tummy time. While grammy was running to get the camera she rolled right on over and I was the only one there to witness it...with nothing to get proof. Luckily she kept doing it and we got a video. Here it is!